Biomechanics: Analysing Movement Through the Use of Technology

Biomechanics: Analysing Movement Through the Use of Technology

Introduction to Technology in Biomechanics

  • The use of technology has greatly advanced our understanding of biomechanics and has led us closer to achieving the perfect technique in many sporting activities.
  • Advanced tools like motion capture systems, force platforms, and video analysis software can help optimise athletic performance and reduce injury risk.

Motion Capture

  • Motion capture is a technique that records the movement of people or objects. In biomechanics, it examines the way we move, collects data, and presents it in a format we can analyse to improve performance or reduce the risk of injury.
  • The human body has multiple joints that can move in three dimensions, which makes human motion incredibly complex. Motion capture systems can record the position, velocity, and acceleration of these different joints, providing a detailed view of movement patterns.

Force Platforms

  • Force platforms measure the forces produced as we move, providing information about how much force is generated during different activities. These platforms are valuable when analysing jumping, running, and other movements where ground reaction forces play a major role.
  • These platforms measure three different types of forces: vertical forces, anteroposterior forces (moving forwards and backwards), and mediolateral forces (moving side to side). Each force can provide different insights into the movement being analysed.

Video Analysis

  • Video analysis, often used alongside motion capture and force platforms, provides a visual representation of the movement, allowing any abnormalities or inefficiencies to be seen and corrected.
  • Advanced software can calculate speeds, distances, and angles, and create a heatmap of the movement, highlighting the areas under the most stress.

Other Technologies

  • Wearable technology such as smart watches and heart rate monitors gather data about an individual’s health and fitness.
  • Wireless electromyography is used to measure muscle activation and identify imbalances that could lead to injury.

Ethical Consideration with Technology in Biomechanics

  • Although these technologies provide valuable data to improve performance and reduce injuries, they must be used ethically. Informed consent should be obtained from individuals before collecting and using their information.
  • Remember that these technologies should be used to aid understanding and improve performance, not to create an unrealistic perception of ability or unduly pressure individuals to exceed their physical limits.

Mastering the technology used in biomechanics and understanding how it enhances our understanding of human movement can help optimise athletic performance and reduce injury risk. Knowing what each technology measures and how to interpret the data it provides are essential skills in biomechanics.