Sport and Society: Emergence and Evolution of Modern Sport

Sport and Society: Emergence and Evolution of Modern Sport

Emergence of Modern Sport

  • Understand the importance of industrial revolution as a key catalyst leading to the emergence of modern sport.
  • Consider the role of increased free time and disposable income in allowing participation in sport to become more widespread.
  • Comprehend the influence of urbanisation and the development of mass transport systems, which facilitated spectatorship.
  • Appreciate the impact of public schools in standardising sports and creating a ‘sporting ethic’.
  • Acknowledge the significance of codifying and formalising rules which permitted sport matches and competitions between different clubs and teams.

Globalisation of Sport

  • Recognize how modern technology (such as television) has played a role in the spread or globalisation of sport.
  • Understand that global events (like Olympics and FIFA World Cup) have helped popularise sports on an international level.
  • Note the increasing importance of international sports governing bodies (like FIFA, IOC).
  • Realise the role of commercialisation and corporate investment in worldwide proliferation of sports, creating a thriving global sports industry.

Societal Factors Influencing Sport Evolution

  • Grasp how societal norms and values play a part in shaping sport. For instance, gender roles have influenced participation and representation in sport.
  • Understand how the equality legislation fosters more inclusive participation by addressing issues like racism and sexism in sport.
  • Appreciate the impact of media representation and its influence on shaping public opinion towards different sports and athletes.
  • Understand how financial investment and sponsorship can shape the development of a sport, potentially narrowing or widening participation gaps.