Interne Cookies

Interne Cookies

Internet Cookies

  • Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s computer by websites that the user visits.
  • They are used to make web browsing more efficient by keeping track of users’ activities or preferences on a particular website.
  • They enable websites to remember information about the user, such as login details, items in a shopping basket or preferences such as theme colour.

Session and Persistent Cookies

  • There are two main types of cookies: session and persistent cookies.
  • Session cookies are temporary and are erased when the user closes the web browser. They are often used to remember what a user has put in their shopping basket in an online store.
  • Persistent cookies remain stored on the user’s computer until they are deleted or until they reach their expiry date. These are used by websites to remember information between visits.

First-Party and Third-Party Cookies

  • Cookies can also be categorised as first-party or third-party cookies.
  • First-party cookies are created by the website that the user is visiting and often improve user experience.
  • Third-party cookies are created by domains other than the one the user is visiting, often used for tracking and online-advertising purposes.

Cookie Risks

  • Whilst cookies enhance web browsing experience, they can pose certain risks.
  • Cookies can be exploited by hackers to gain access to a user’s sensitive data, like password or credit card details. This is due to cookies’ ability to remember login details and other private information.
  • Third-party cookies can infringe upon a user’s privacy as they track their online behaviour for targeted advertising.

Cookie Law

  • The EU Cookie Law states that websites must gain user consent before using cookies. Users should be informed about the use of cookies, and asked for consent to store them on their device.
  • Websites also provide an option for users to opt out of accepting cookies. However, this may limit the functionality of the website.

Cookies and Data Security

  • Always ensure the legitimacy of the website before allowing cookies. Legitimate websites use Cookies in a managed, secure and responsible way.
  • Regularly clear your cookies from your web browser. This will help limit the possibility of sensitive data being accessed by unauthorised parties.