School/College Life

Introduction to School/College Life

  • Mon collège se situe or Ma université se trouve are useful phrases meaning “My school is located” and “My university is located” respectively.
  • Il y a comes in handy for expressing “there is/there are”. For instance, Il y a 500 élèves et 30 professeurs meaning, “There are 500 students and 30 teachers.”
  • Remember to use au collège to mean “at school” and à l’université to mean “at the university”.

Daily Routine

  • Ma journée scolaire commence à or Ma journée universitaire commence à can be used to state when your school/college day begins.
  • Be familiar with phrases related to activities you do at school, like J’étudie (I study) and *Je joue au foot pendant la pause déjeuner (I play football during the lunch break).
  • Make use of time expressions like le matin (in the morning), l’après-midi (in the afternoon), le soir (in the evening) when describing your daily routine.


  • Be able to name your subjects. For instance, les maths (math), les sciences (science), le français (French), etc.
  • To express your opinion on these subjects, use phrases like J’adore…… (I love…), J’aime….. (I like…), Je déteste… (I hate…).

School Rules

  • To speak about school rules, use On doit… (One must…) or Il est interdit de… (It is forbidden to…)
  • Useful vocabulary might include l’uniforme scolaire (school uniform), les devoirs (homework), arriver à l’heure (arrive on time), etc.

Extracurricular Activities

  • To say what else you do at school beyond lessons, you might use phrases like Je fais partie du club… (I’m part of the club…) or J’assiste à… (I attend…).
  • Names of activities could include le théâtre (theatre), le sport, le débat (debate), le club de langue (language club) and so on.

Future plans

  • Be able to express your future plans using the future tense. For example, J’irai à l’université (I will go to university) or Je travaillerai (I will work).
  • Key phrases could be Je veux étudier… (I want to study…) or J’espère devenir… (I hope to become…)