
French Tenses

Present Tense (Le Présent)

  • The present tense in French can be used to express things happening right now or general facts.
  • It is formed by taking the infinitive form of the verb (for example, ‘manger’) and adding the appropriate ending for the subject of the sentence (je: -e, tu: -es, il/elle/on: -e, nous: -ons, vous: -ez, ils/elles: -ent).
  • Example: Il mange une pomme (He eats an apple).

Compound Past Tense (Le Passé Composé)

  • The compound past tense or ‘passé composé’ can be used to express actions that have been completed, translating as ‘has/have -ed’ in English.
  • It is formed by using the present tense of the auxiliary verb (‘avoir’ or ‘être’) and the past participle of the main verb.
  • There are specific rules about when to use ‘avoir’ or ‘être’, typically ‘être’ is used with action verbs involving movement and ‘avoir’ is used in other cases.
  • Example: Nous avons mangé (We have eaten).

Imperfect Tense (L’imparfait)

  • The imperfect tense or ‘l’imparfait’ provides a ‘background’ setting or past habit, translating as ‘used to’ or ‘was -ing’ in English.
  • It is formed by taking the ‘nous’ form of the present tense of the verb, dropping the ‘-ons’ and adding the imperfect endings (je: -ais, tu: -ais, il/elle/on: -ait, nous: -ions, vous: -iez, ils/elles: -aient).
  • Example: Il mangeait une pomme (He was eating an apple).

Future Tense (Le Futur Simple)

  • The future tense or ‘futur simple’ is used to express something that will happen in the future.
  • It is formed by taking the infinitive verb and adding on the future endings (same as the present tense endings for ‘avoir’).
  • Example: Je mangerai (I will eat).

Conditional Tense (Le Conditionnel)

  • The conditional tense or ‘le conditionnel’ expresses what one would do in a given set of circumstances.
  • It is formed by taking the infinitive of the verb and adding on the imperfect tense endings. Some verbs have irregular stems.
  • Example: Je mangerais (I would eat).

Remember, practice with these tenses is essential. Use exercises and practice sentences to get the hang of when, where and how to use each one.