Environmental Problems

Understanding Environmental Problems

  • Grasp the concept of global warming (le réchauffement climatique) caused by greenhouse gas emissions from industrial activities.
  • Recognise the issue of deforestation (la déforestation). The cutting down of trees contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon dioxide and reducing the earth’s capacity to absorb excess carbon dioxide.
  • Understand the problem of pollution (la pollution), with a focus on air and water pollution, their causes, and their effects on wildlife and human health.
  • Identify the issues related to waste management. Excessive production of waste, especially non-biological waste, is a major environmental issue. Understand concepts like recycling (le recyclage), composting (le compostage) and waste reduction.
  • Discuss energy consumption (la consommation d’énergie). Non-renewable energy sources like oil and coal are harmful to the environment and will eventually run out. Understand the importance of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
  • Recognise endangered species (les espèces en voie de disparition) and loss of biodiversity. Human activities often disrupt ecosystems, leading to the extinction of various species.

Actions to Combat Environmental Problems

  • Understand the concept of sustainable development (le développement durable) which refers to development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • Understand the importance of conservation (la conservation), including conserving water, energy, forests, and wildlife.
  • Be aware of environmental laws and policies (les lois et les politiques environnementales). Governments implement these to protect the environment, such as restrictions on pollution and incentives for using renewable energy.
  • Grasp the principle of recycling and reusing (le recyclage et la réutilisation). These are simple ways to reduce waste and conserve resources.
  • Understand what renewable energy (l’énergie renouvelable) is, such as wind and solar power, and their benefits compared to non-renewable energy sources.
  • Be aware of the principles of organic farming (l’agriculture biologique) which avoids the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers, and so is kinder to the environment.