Mandatory Question: Consideration of Function

Mandatory Question: Consideration of Function

Understanding of Function in Art

  • Understand the significance of the function of an artwork in the context of its design and conception.
  • Analyse how function is conveyed through the artist’s choice of materials, style and format.
  • Reflect on the relationship between an artwork’s intended function and its actual use or interpretation by the public.

Function and Artistic Choices

  • Examine how an artist’s decisions about form, colour, and texture can directly relate to the intended function of a piece.
  • Discuss the impact of a work’s function on its aesthetic qualities and the overall viewer experience.
  • Evaluate how practical considerations related to a work’s function can shape artistic choices.

Balancing Function and Creativity

  • Explore the challenges presented when balancing the need for functionality with artistic originality and creativity.
  • Consider how constraints related to functionality can sometimes lead to innovation and unique aesthetic solutions.
  • Recognise the potential for function itself to become an integral part of an artwork’s meaning and impact.

Interpretation of Function

  • Learn to decode the function of a given artwork based on contextual clues, including its physical properties, setting, and associated text.
  • Compare the function of artworks from different cultural contexts and historical periods.
  • Reflect on how interpretations of function can change over time.

Ethical Aspects of Function

  • Consider the ethical implications that could arise when the function of an artwork is adjusted or disregarded.
  • Acknowledge the importance of respect and responsibility when handling art that serves specific functional purposes.
  • Appreciate how discussion around function can open conversations about power, appropriation, and cultural sensitivity in the arts.