Mandatory Question: Consideration of Style

Mandatory Question: Consideration of Style

Understanding the Concept of Style in Art

  • Acquire knowledge of what style refers to in art; it involves the characteristics and elements that define and differentiate one piece of artwork from another.
  • Recognise that style is more than just the technique; it involves the unique way an artist interprets and portrays their subject matter.
  • Understand that the style of an artist can be influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, cultural backdrop, and the prevailing art forms of their time.

Relationship between Style and Subject Matter

  • Grasp the connection between style and subject matter - the choice and treatment of subject matter often influences the style of an artwork.
  • Observe how unique stylistic elements can add new dimensions to the subject matter, altering the way it is perceived and experienced by the viewer.
  • Acknowledge that when style and subject matter complement each other, the artwork can convey the desired narrative and emotional depth more effectively.

Developing Your Own Style

  • Reflect on the significance of developing your own unique artistic style, as it allows you to express your individuality, creativity, and vision.
  • Consider that having a consistent style can help build a coherent visual narrative in your artworks over time.
  • Remember that your style will evolve with practice and experience, and it’s normal for it to change and mature over your artistic journey.

Analysing Style in Art Critiques

  • Hone the skill of analysing style when examining a piece of art; it can reveal insights into the artist’s creative process, influences, and intentions.
  • Understand that distinguishing elements of style can help identify and appreciate the work of different artists and art movements.
  • Consider how the style of an artwork can enhance or diminish the impact of its theme or subject matter.

Ethical Considerations When Developing Style

  • Maintain a respectful attitude when interpreting and using elements from others’ artistic styles, being careful to avoid plagiarism and respect originality.
  • Strive to develop your own voice rather than merely replicating someone else’s style; this makes your work more authentic and meaningful.
  • Keep in mind that while influences are inevitable in art, your task is to synthesize those influences into a style that is truly your own.