Complex System, Sub-System and Control Diagrams

Complex System, Sub-System and Control Diagrams

Complex Systems

  • Complex systems are composed of numerous interconnected parts, all of which work together to perform a common function.
  • These systems are often broken down into simpler sub-systems to be understood and analysed more effectively.
  • Understanding complex systems requires a good grasp of the underlying sub-systems and their interactions.
  • Examples of complex systems can include a computer, a nuclear power plant, or the human body.


  • A sub-system is a system within a larger complex system that performs a specific task.
  • Sub-systems are often designed and analysed independently but always work in tandem within the larger system.
  • If one sub-system fails, it may affect the performance or functionality of the whole system.
  • Understanding the role of each sub-system and their interconnections is crucial when studying complex systems.

Control Diagrams

  • Control diagrams or schematic diagrams are graphical representations of the components and interconnections within a system.
  • These diagrams can depict the flow of signals, energy, or materials through the system.
  • They provide a clear, visual representation of how a system operates at a high level.
  • Key elements in control diagrams may include input and output variables, process components, and control devices.
  • Mastery of control diagrams is essential when trying to understand or design complex systems.