Culture and Identity

Culture and Identity Basics

  • Culture is a shared system of beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artefacts that members of a society use to cope with the world and each other.

  • Identity refers to our concept of self and how we perceive ourselves. It’s influenced by various factors, such as social class, gender, ethnicity, age, and disability.

  • Culture is a central influence in shaping an individual’s identity.

Elements of Culture

  • Material culture includes physical objects or goods, such as the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the technology we use.

  • Non-material culture refers to intangible elements such as customs, traditions, norms, rules, laws, languages, knowledge, beliefs, and values.

  • Symbols are a vital part of non-material culture. They are things that stand for or represent something else.

Cultural diversity and variation

  • Individual cultures vary greatly across the world, but all share some basic elements. This is known as cross-cultural variation.

  • Subcultures refer to cultural patterns that set apart some segment of a society’s population.

  • Multiculturalism is a societal approach or policy that embraces, respects and is tolerant of cultural diversity.

Cultural Norms and Values

  • Norms are informal understandings that govern individuals’ behaviour within a society, while laws are formally written and enforced rules.

  • Values define what is considered good or bad, desirable or undesirable within a culture.

Theories of Identity

  • Social Identity Theory suggests that people identify and categorize themselves and others.

  • Symbolic Interactionism posits that identity is created and shaped through social interactions.

  • The Looking Glass Self Theory proposes that our self-image is shaped by how we think others perceive us.

Identity Variables

  • Social Class often shapes a person’s identity by determining the opportunities and resources available to them.

  • Ethnicity and race influence identity as they often link to a shared language, religion, and customs.

  • Gender plays a critical role in shaping our identity and influences the norms, roles, and expectations for individuals based on their perceived sex.

  • Age and Generation can affect identity by grouping individuals with shared experiences and social trends.

  • Disability and physical impairment can have a profound impact on people’s identity, as society often treats disabled people differently.