Simple Examples Involving Functions of the Roots of a Quadratic Equation


Understanding the Basic Function of Roots

  • The roots of a quadratic equation, often denoted as α and β, are the key points that a parabola intersects with the x-axis.
  • Any quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0 has roots found using the quadratic formula: x = [-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac)] / 2a.

Established Relationships Involving Roots

  • In a quadratic equation, the sum of the roots α + β = -b/a and the product of the roots αβ = c/a.
  • These expressions are directly derived from the coefficients a, b, and c of the standard form of a quadratic equation.
  • These relationships can be inverted to construct a quadratic equation from known roots.

Example: Given the Roots

  • If given both roots of a quadratic, it’s simple to construct the equation by substitifying into the formula: x² - (sum of roots)x + (product of roots) = 0.
  • If α and β are roots, the quadratic equation could be written as x² - (α + β)x + αβ = 0.

Example: Given Fewer Details About the Roots

  • Sometimes, only the sum or product of the roots might be given, or neither.
  • In these instances, use the given information and the relationships above to find as much information as possible.
  • Even if the roots cannot be fully determined, this often leads to further insights about the problem at hand.

Solving Problems with Roots

  • Algebraic manipulation can often reveal further information about the roots and their relationships.
  • For instance, consider the quadratic equation with roots α and β. What if the roots of another equation were 2α and 2β?
  • The new quadratic would lack the exact roots of the previous one, but its relationships (sum and product) could be determined in terms of α and β.
  • Remember to connect everything back to the coefficients of the standard form quadratic, as that’s where most of the key insights will originate.
  • Use a systematic approach when solving: start simple, and add complexity as needed.