Storing and service guidelines

Storing and service guidelines

Storing Cold and Hot Dessert Sauces

Cold Dessert Sauces

  • Refrigerate cold dessert sauces promptly after making them to maintain their quality and safety.
  • The typical storage life of a cold dessert sauce is approximately 5-7 days when properly stored in the refrigerator.
  • Make sure to use a clean, airtight container for storage to avoid the growth of bacteria and the sauce absorbing unwanted flavours in the fridge.

Hot Dessert Sauces

  • Hot dessert sauces can be held at low heat for 1-2 hours before they begin to degrade in quality.
  • For longer storage, cool the hot dessert sauces rapidly and store in the refrigerator, just as you would with a cold dessert sauce.
  • Reheat stored hot dessert sauces in a double boiler, or microwave in short bursts, stirring frequently to ensure even re-heating and prevent the sauce from splitting or burning.

Serving Tips

Presentation and Pairing

  • Regardless of the type of dessert sauce, always pair it with a dessert that complements in flavour. A too rich sauce can overwhelm a delicate dessert and vice versa.
  • Use appropriate serving dishes and utensils that can safely handle the sauce’s temperature.
  • Presentation can elevate even the simplest dessert sauce. Drizzle, zigzag or pour creatively on or around the dessert.


  • When serving, ensure hot dessert sauces are served hot but not boiling, as high temperatures may burn the eater or cause the sauce to become too thin.
  • Cold dessert sauces should be served cool, but not frozen, as a too cold temperature may harden the sauce or dampen its flavours.

Remember, proper storage and thoughtful service of dessert sauces can greatly influence not only their quality but also the overall dessert experience. Both practicality and creativity are essential in their presentation and pairing.