The role of organizations in promoting responsible tourism

The role of organizations in promoting responsible tourism

Definition and Role of Organisations in Responsible Tourism

  • Organisations involved in responsible tourism include both public and private bodies, as well as non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that operate at local, national or international level.

  • Their role is to guide, influence, and regulate the practices of the tourism industry to promote sustainable and responsible behaviours.

  • They play a crucial part in educating and raising awareness of responsible tourism among tourists, business operators and local communities.

Actions Taken By Organisations

  • Organisations may establish guidelines, standards, and certifications that promote responsible tourism. These can provide benchmarks and tools for destinations and companies to improve their practices.

  • They often conduct research and develop resources to inform tourism providers, tourists, and policy makers about responsible tourism practices.

  • Some organisations implement projects or initiatives on the ground, either in specific destinations or across broader regions, to address specific issues related to responsible tourism.

  • Organisations may also engage in advocacy, lobbying governments and policymakers for better responsible tourism policies and legislation.

Examples of Organizations

  • United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is an international organisation that promotes tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.

  • The Responsible Tourism Partnership is a global coalition of organisations working to make tourism more sustainable.

  • Local NGOs such as Friends of the Earth, Cornwall Sustainable Tourism Project push for change in specific destinations or countries by working with local businesses, communities, visitors and policymakers.

Impact of Organisations on Responsible Tourism

  • The actions of these organisations can have a significant positive impact on the tourism industry by promoting responsible practices that protect the environment, respect local cultures, contribute to economic development and ensure a fair distribution of tourism benefits.

  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation by these organisations ensures that their initiatives are meeting their goals, and allows for adjustments to improve effectiveness.

  • By raising awareness and promoting good practice, these organisations can foster a culture of responsible tourism among all stakeholders in the tourism sector.