The history and development of travel and tourism

The history and development of travel and tourism

Early Roots of Travel and Tourism

  • Travel as a necessity started as early as the prehistoric times, when people would travel in search of food, shelter, and safety.

  • With the advent of civilization, travel developed into a form of trade and exploration. Ancient Egyptians, for instance, made extensive voyages to the Mediterranean and Middle East.

  • The concept of travel for pleasure can be traced back to the ancient Romans and Greeks who appreciated the benefits of cultural exchange and relaxation.

  • Religious tourism also has historical significance, with pilgrimages being made to sacred sites for many different religions.

Evolution of Travel and Tourism

  • The middle ages saw the rise of trade routes and guilds, making travel for commerce more common.

  • During the 17th and 18th centuries, the ‘Grand Tour’ became a popular trend among young, wealthy Europeans, who would travel around the continent to expand their knowledge and experience different cultures.

  • In the Victorian era, with the advent of the railway, seaside tourism became popular in the UK and marked the beginning of the mass tourism we see today.

  • Thomas Cook, famous for launching a travel company, organised his first trip in 1841, which marked the beginning of commercial tourism.

The Modern Era of Tourism

  • In the 20th century, the invention of aeroplanes and automobiles significantly changed the speed and convenience of travel and allowed tourism to become a global industry.

  • During the post-war economic boom, more people were able to afford to travel abroad for holidays, leading to a rapid growth in the industry.

  • The 21st century, marked by digitalisation, has seen the rise in online travel agencies (like Expedia and, low-cost carriers, and different forms of accommodation such as Airbnb.

Impact of Travel and Tourism

  • Tourism has a powerful impact on local economies. It can lead to job creation, increased revenue, and infrastructure development.

  • The industry also faces challenges such as environmental impacts, including pollution, habitat destruction and issues related to sustainable tourism.

  • More recently, the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the travel and tourism industry, causing job losses, bankruptcies, and changes in how travel is carried out. It’s also brought more focus on responsible tourism and local travel.

Future Trends in Tourism

  • Future trends in tourism include increased market segmentation, with the rise of niche tourism markets such as eco-tourism, agro-tourism, and adventure tourism.

  • As the world becomes more interconnected, tourism is forecast to continue to grow, however, increasingly the emphasis will be on sustainable tourism practices to protect our environment and heritage sites for future generations.