Active Citizenship

Active Citizenship

  • Active citizenship refers to the commitment towards participating in community activities and democratic processes, often with the intention of promoting social justice and improving community life.

  • Active citizens not only know their rights and responsibilities but are also involved in decision-making processes and community programs.

  • This could take the form of volunteering in local events, joining a political party, becoming part of a local council, campaigning for changes in policy, or working with charities.

Elements of Active Citizenship

  • Knowledge: Active citizens are well-informed about their rights and responsibilities, the law, social issues, and how government structures work.

  • Skills: These individuals possess skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, effective communication, and organisational skills.

  • Values and Attitudes: Active citizens believe in equality, respect for diversity, and the importance of democratic processes. They are committed to social justice and community development.

Active Citizenship and Democracy

  • Active citizens directly contribute to a healthy and vibrant democracy by engaging in public decision-making processes.

  • This engagement may include voting in elections, participating in public consultations, getting involved in political parties, or running for elected offices.

  • The equality of voice is a cornerstone of democracy. Active citizens act upon and promote this value, fighting against underrepresentation and working to ensure that diverse voices are heard.

The Role of Active Citizens in a Diverse Society

  • Active citizens have a role in promoting and respecting diversity. They strive to create an inclusive society in which everyone’s rights are respected regardless of their background.

  • Active citizens recognise and value diversity as a strength that can enrich society.

  • Through their actions and attitudes, active citizens can help to challenge stereotypes, fight discrimination, and promote social cohesion.

The Crucial Role of Active Citizens in Uniformed Protective Services

  • Active citizenship in the uniformed protective services goes beyond the basic roles and responsibilities.

  • Individuals in these positions have the power and duty to make a positive impact on society, uphold rights and freedoms, and challenge injustices.

  • Actively promoting diversity within these professions fosters respect, equality and also leads to better outcomes, as decisions reflect the views and needs of a diverse population.