Job Applications
- To describe job applications, the French phrases are ‘demandes d’emploi’ or ‘candidatures’.
- When changing careers, you might want to say ‘Je veux changer de carrière’ (I want to change my career).
Job Roles and Responsibilities
- The term for responsibilities in French is ‘responsabilités’ while roles translate to ‘rôles’.
- A common phrase to describe your responsibilities might be ‘Mes responsabilités incluent…‘ (My responsibilities include…).
- If you’re being promoted, you’d say ‘Je suis promu’ while a demotion would be ‘Je suis rétrogradé’.
- If you are looking for a job, you would say ‘Je cherche un emploi’ (I’m looking for a job).
- Being unemployed can be stated as ‘Je suis au chômage’ in French.
- The French for unemployment rate is ‘taux de chômage’ and to say that the unemployment rate is rising, you’d say ‘Le taux de chômage augmente’.
- Retirement in French is ‘la retraite’ and a retiree is referred to as ‘un retraité’.
- The phrase for going into retirement is ‘prendre sa retraite’, as in ‘Mon père a pris sa retraite l’année dernière’ (My father retired last year).
- Talking about pensions, you would use the term ‘pension de retraite’.
- French for voluntary work is ‘le travail bénévole’, and a volunteer is a ‘bénévole’.
- If you offer to volunteer, you might say ‘Je souhaite faire du travail bénévole’ (I want to do voluntary work).
- Talking about what you’ve gained from volunteering, for instance, you could say ‘Le travail bénévole m’a aidé à développer mes compétences de leadership’ (Volunteering has helped me develop my leadership skills).