
  • École (school): Use this word whenever you are talking about the institution where children and teenagers go to receive education.
  • Matéières (subjects): Subjects you do at school like Maths (mathématiques), English (anglais), and French (français) among others.
  • Professeur (teacher): The person who imparts knowledge.
  • Note (grade/mark): The mark or grade you receive after an evaluation.
  • Examens (exams): The regular assessments or evaluations.

Daily Routine at School

  • Je vais à l’école en bus/à pied/en voiture (I go to school by bus/on foot/by car): Conveys the mode of transport to school.
  • La récréation (break/recess): The break during the school day where pupils can relax.
  • Je déjeune à la cantine (I lunch at the canteen): Shows normal lunch arrangements.

Expressions about Studying

  • Je travaille beaucoup (I work a lot): Useful when talking about how hard you work.
  • Je révise pour mes examens (I revise for my exams): Referring to the act of studying for exams.
  • Je n’aime pas … (I don’t like …) or J’adore … (I love …): Show your preference about a subject or task.

Talking about Future Plans

  • Je veux aller à l’université (I want to go to university): Use when discussing future aspirations.
  • Je veux devenir … (I want to become …): Talk about specific career goals, such as doctor (médecin), engineer (ingénieur), teacher (professeur), etc.

Remember, the key to mastery in a language is consistent practice, so try to use these words and phrases in your conversations, whether written or spoken. Good luck with your revisions!