Global Languages

Global Languages

Understanding the Concept

  • Grasp the term ‘languages globales’ which refers to global languages.
  • Be aware that a global language is one that is spoken widely across different regions of the world.
  • An example of a global language is English which is an official language in several countries.

Importance of Global Languages

  • Appreciate why global languages are important, e.g., they facilitate international communication and relationships.
  • Understand phrases such as ‘Les langues globales permettent une communication internationale’ (Global languages allow international communication).
  • Know how to express the importance of learning languages, for example, ‘Apprendre des langues étrangères est essentiel’ means ‘Learning foreign languages is essential’.

The Status of French as a Global Language

  • Realize that French is a global language with a wide geographical span. It’s spoken on different continents including Europe, Africa, North and South America.
  • Be able to discuss the growth or decline of French language on global scale. For instance, ‘La francophonie est en augmentation en Afrique’ (Francophony is increasing in Africa).
  • Discuss the importance of French in international organizations like the United Nations (l’ONU), where it is one of the six official languages.

Other Major Global Languages

  • Gain insights into other major global languages such as Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi and Arabic.
  • Recognise key phrases such as ‘Le mandarin est la langue la plus parlée dans le monde’ which means ‘Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world’.
  • Understand key demographic and linguistic facts associated with these languages. For instance, ‘L’espagnol est la langue officielle dans 21 pays’ means ‘Spanish is the official language in 21 countries’.

Cultural Understanding through Languages

  • Emphasise on the importance of languages for cross-cultural understanding and respect.
  • Recognise expressions concerning this, for example, ‘La langue est la clé de la culture’ translates to ‘Language is the key to culture’.
  • Acknowledge the value of multilingualism in personal development and job prospects - ‘Le bilinguisme ouvre de nouvelles opportunités de carrière’ means ‘Bilingualism opens up new career opportunities’.