
Understanding Citizenship

  • Grasp the term ‘la citoyenneté’ which refers to citizenship.
  • Understand the concept of citizenship as being a member of a particular nation or state, entitled to its protection and rights.
  • Be aware that a citizen has rights (les droits) and responsibilities (les responsabilités) that come with being part of a society.

The Concept of Active Citizenship

  • Familiarise with the term ‘la citoyenneté active’, meaning active citizenship.
  • Active citizenship implies participation in society to improve the community, for instance by voting (‘voter’) or volunteering (‘faire du bénévolat’).
  • Know the phrase ‘La participation active à la société est importante’ which translates to ‘Active participation in the society is important’.

Role of Citizens in Democracy

  • Understand the role citizens play in a democracy (une démocratie). For instance, they elect their leaders and express their opinion on major issues.
  • Learn the phrase ‘Les citoyens élisent leurs dirigeants’ which means ‘Citizens elect their leaders’.
  • Grasp the meaning of ‘Le vote est une responsabilité civique’ translating to ‘Voting is a civic responsibility’.

Citizenship in France and the UK

  • Familiarise with phrases that highlight citizenship concepts on a national level, like ‘La citoyenneté en France’ (Citizenship in France) and ‘La citoyenneté au Royaume-Uni’ (Citizenship in the UK).
  • Be aware that while citizenship methods vary, the core principles are usually similar. Describe these principles in French, e.g., ‘Les principes de la citoyenneté incluent les droits de l’homme et la liberté d’expression’ - The principles of citizenship include human rights and freedom of speech.

Global Citizenship

  • Understand the concept of ‘citoyenneté mondiale’ or global citizenship.
  • Global citizenship means one feels part of a larger, global community and is aware of wider world issues. For example, ‘Un citoyen du monde se préoccupe de problèmes mondiaux’ translates as ‘A global citizen cares about global issues’.
  • Know phrases related to global citizenship, e.g., ‘La citoyenneté mondiale promeut la paix et l’égalité’, meaning ‘Global citizenship promotes peace and equality’.