Process of Carrying Out Methods to Gather Data

Process of Carrying Out Methods to Gather Data

Gathering Data

  • Preparation is the first step in data collection, requiring clear definition of what needs to be studied and why. Before initiating any data collection process, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the factor(s) impacting on performance.

  • Identifying the correct method/s of data collection suitable for the specific factors being investigated in the performance. This is critical in gathering relevant and reliable data.

  • After identifying the right method, design the tools for data collection, such as questionnaires, checklists, and observation sheets. Design these tools to be clear, concise, and objective in nature.


  • At this stage, conduct the data gathering exercise following the pre-defined method, which could involve activities like observing a performance, conducting interviews, or using self-report measures.

  • Maintain an objective and non-biased approach throughout the data collection process. This means, don’t let personal opinions or preconceived notions influence the results.

  • Record observations accurately and systematically, paying attention to detail. Notes should be clear and precise enough that someone else reading them could understand what was observed.

Review and Evaluation

  • After the data collection process, evaluate the data for any inconsistencies or errors. This step is critical to ensure the quality and reliability of the data.

  • Once the data is validated, use it to identify strengths and weaknesses in performance which will help with subsequent planning and improvement strategies.

  • Thoroughly analyse and interpret the data. Ensure to focus on how these observations relate to the specific factors impacting on performance.

  • Lastly, communicate findings in a clear and concise manner. Draw on evidence gathered through the data collection process to make well-supported conclusions.