Family and Friends

Section 1: Vocabulary on Family and Friends

  • La familia – Family is central to Spanish society. Know common phrases and words related to family such as los padres (parents), los hijos (children), el hermano/la hermana (brother/sister), el abuelo/la abuela (grandfather/grandmother) etc.
  • Los amigos – Friendship is pivotal in any society. Relevant words include el amigo/la amiga (friend), el mejor amigo/la mejor amiga (best friend), el compañero/la compañera de clase (classmate).
  • Adjectives to describe – Adjectives like generoso/a (generous), amable (kind), divertido/a (fun), aburrido/a (boring) to describe relationship dynamics.

Section 2: Constructing Sentences about Family and Friends

  • Use common phrases to talk about family relationships, such as: “Mi madre es muy amable” (My mother is very kind), or “Tengo dos hermanos mayores” (I have two older brothers).
  • Discuss a friend using phrases like: “Mi mejor amigo es muy divertido” (My best friend is very funny).

Section 3: Expressing Opinions

  • Using words like pienso que (I think that), creo que (I believe that), opino que (in my opinion) to express your views. For example: “Pienso que mi hermana es muy inteligente” (I think my sister is very smart).
  • Construct sentences that express differing opinions using pero (but) as in “Mi padre es muy estricto, pero es generoso” (My father is very strict, but he is generous).

Section 4: Discussing Activities with Family and Friends

  • Vocabulary related to activities such as el cine (cinema), el restaurante (restaurant), el parque (park), la casa (home) etc. For example: “Me gusta ir al cine con mis amigos” (I like going to the cinema with my friends).
  • Time and frequency words - siempre (always), nunca (never), a veces (sometimes), todos los días (every day).

Section 5: Discussing Problems and their solutions

  • Learn useful phrases to discuss problems and conflicts such as: “Tenemos una discusión” (We have a disagreement) or “Estamos enfadados” (We are angry)
  • Use of modals - debería (should) and podría (could) to suggest solutions. For instance: “Deberíamos resolver nuestros problemas hablando” (We should solve our problems by talking).