
Section 1: Vocabulary on Different Types of Media

  • Los medios de comunicación – The media plays a huge role within society. Terms you need to know include la televisión (television), la radio (radio), el periódico (newspaper), la revista (magazine), el internet (internet).
  • Social Media – Social platforms are prevalent in today’s digital age. Learn words associated with it like las redes sociales (social networks), los mensajes de texto (text messages), el correo electrónico (email), el blog (blog).

Section 2: Descriptions and Opinions on Media

  • Become familiar with adjectives to describe different mediums like informativo/a (informative), interesante (interesting), aburrido/a (boring), útil (useful), inútil (useless).
  • Express opinions using phrases such as: “Pienso que la radio es útil” (I think the radio is useful), or “Creo que los blogs son interesantes” (I believe blogs are interesting).

Section 3: Discussing the use of Media

  • Understand how to discuss media usage e.g: “Utilizo las redes sociales todos los días” (I use social networks every day), or “Me gusta leer las noticias en el periódico” (I like to read the news in the newspaper).
  • Equip yourself with phrases describing frequency: “siempre” (always), “nunca” (never), “a veces” (sometimes), “todos los días” (every day).

Section 4: Pros and Cons of Media

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages using key phrases such as: “ Las ventajas son…” (The advantages are…) and “Las desventajas son…” (The disadvantages are…).
  • Learn relevant vocabulary like la privacidad (privacy), la información falsa (fake news), la adicción (addiction), el acceso a la información (access to information).

Section 5: Media in the Future

  • Learn future tense constructs like: “La tele será más interactiva en el futuro” (TV will be more interactive in the future).
  • Be ready to make predictions or express hopes using phrases like: “Espero que…” (I hope that…) and “Quizás…” (Perhaps…).