Annotate Your Experiments Refining Your Ideas Because of Your Findings
This DOES NOT mean you are about to write an essay about every thing you make!
Annotations can be short, bullet pointed notes - the key word is IDEAS.
The examiner will reward richly for annotations that reveal the ideas behind the content that is on show
Content- What Is Your Artwork About?
- Time to revisit some earlier content; use these prompts to help you annotate selected works made so far.
- Select a maximum of 3 art outcomes that have influenced you most so far
- Choose ones that you feel pretty confident you are going to create more work from.
Keep your annotations brief - and capture the ideas within them
USE one of these bookmarks, to prompt you!
Sample and record ideas from:
What Mood Will Your Artwork Have?
Sample further ideas from:
Sample additional ideas from:
Insights Your Own Opinions And Ideas Observed
Sample expressive artist annotation ideas from:
- What IDEAS have you recorded on your intended:Content - what will your art be about?Form - what form will it take?Mood - what mood will it create in the onlooker?Process - how will you make it??