
2DSkills and How to Demonstrate Them

Again - this is time for a brief evaluation - writing to express your IDEAS, and OBSERVATIONS too, now….

  1. When talking about a piece of art, it helps to break it down into the formal elements:
  2. Line, Tone, Form, Colour, Pattern, Texture, Shape.

Use this set of questions to help you get used to the terminology or ‘art words’. But don’t be afraid to use your own thoughts and opinions.

When writing about your own work, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What have I done? Is it a painting a drawing or a sculpture? Your own design or a copy?
  2. How have I done it? Try to describe how you built up your work stage by stage.
  3. Why have I done it/ what have I learnt through doing it? About an artist? New skills?
  4. What medium or materials have I used? Paint, pencil, collage, mixed media etc
  5. What have I done well? Try to list at least 3 points.
  6. What could I improve or what would I change if I were to do it again?
  7. Is my work similar to an artist’s work? Which one? How?

2D Skills And How To Demonstrate Them Evaluation And Review

  1. WWW – What went well?
  2. EBI – even better if…….?
  3. Have I attained my target level and artistic intention in this work? Why / why not?
  4. What have I learnt for future work?
  5. How have I made links to artists, if so, how?

3DSkills and How to Demonstrate Them

Possible ways to start your sentences:

In this piece I have………

I have used the following materials………

Through working in this way I have learnt how to…………

This piece contains the following characteristics……

Here I have shown………… In the style of………………

This piece could have been improved by including……………

I could have made greater use of………………

In this piece I have used too much/ not enough ………..

The artist………… has influenced my design.

I was inspired by …………… When creating this piece of work.

To improve this piece I could have…………

Word Bank:

Paint Poster Water colours Oils Acrylic Colour wash Dry brush marks Brush strokes sponging technique

Pencil Graphite soft hard tone tonal range dark medium light shadows highlights blending in shading contrast

Composition busy calm bold geometric organic surface grid flowing canvas paper wood

Collage mixed media, papier mache, layers, paste, texture low relief, transparent

Artists 3 Dimensional 2 Dimensional Painting Sculpture Installation Print Textile Construction Style Surface Rearrange Distort Idea Inspires….

Study Questions:If you could repeat part of your work, what would you do and why?If you could replace part of your work, what would you replace and why?If you could steal part of another artist's work, what would you steal and why?If you could exhibit a piece of your work, what would you show and why?