Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D


Explore A Wide Range Of Media In 2D & 3D

  1. In this unit you will simply explore some of the vast range of media and techniques that are available to you! We will start simply, and then extend the possibilities - enjoy!

  2. Follow the guidance and activities in the following images - to create a range of sketchbook pages in each media.

  3. Your target is to explore and experiment! No need to go about trying to create final ‘finished’ pieces here - just explore!

Drawing- Pencil Ink Line Wash Rendering Techniques

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 3

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 4

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 5

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 6


Water based Paint Techniques

  1. Explore how adding different amounts of water to paint changes its intensity and opacity!

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2


Digital Photography Utilising Phone Cameras

  1. Try out some of these different ideas, just using the camera on your phone

  2. Remember to select your subject matter carefully to link with your theme

  3. Also you can manipulate and enhance your photos later - maybe by combining them?

  4. There are many phone apps that are ideal for this

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 3

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 4

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 5

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 6

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 7

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 8

Digital Manipulation

Photo Manipulations Utilising Phone Cameras

  1. There are many apps you can get for free on your phone to manipulate your own photos - these are mostly based on the programme Photoshop

  2. If you have Photoshop- you could manipulate images using ideas from these slides.

  3. No Photoshop? Take images that link to your theme and manipulate them using apps in your phone

  4. Afterwards you could print them off and manipulate them still further in your sketchbook!

  5. A digital sketchbook is also a great way of submitting your work - just save all your work onto a USB stick!


Print Techniques Using Imagery Made In Previous Sessions

  1. Simple techniques in print include polyblock print - you can use this to mirror the work of great artists!

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

  1. This image by Andy Warhol, a famous Pop Artist, was screen printed

  2. You can recreate this effect for your project by using PolyBlock

  3. To make your own PolyBlock, you’ll need a flat sheet of polystyrene for this - a polystyrene sheet from under a supermarket bought pizza is ideal!

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 3


Wire Sculptural Methods

  1. A really simple 3D method to explore is using cardboard - which you can add to easily with thin wire if you have some….

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 3

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 4

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 5

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 6


Modelling In 3D

  1. Once you have made your basic structure - enhance this with manipulated card

  2. Or perhaps try adding on other materials?

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 1

Explore a Wide Range of Media in 2D & 3D, figure 2