High Quality Transcriptions

Section Copy

You are about to copy a section of an artwork - to start to master this artist’s style - so should you copy just ANYTHING they have created??

… obviously not- you are an artist - so you will SELECT!!

High Quality Transcriptions, figure 1High Quality Transcriptions, figure 2High Quality Transcriptions, figure 3

  1. Which of these images appeals to you most, and why?
  2. Which one would you find most interesting to COPY?
  3. Make a sketch of the one that appeals to you - and bullet point it, stating why - and suggest different images you could develop from it

Picasso famously said -Good artists copy, great artists steal.

Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/pablo_picasso_380469?img=4

So you are looking for images that are rich in potential ART STEALS!High Quality Transcriptions, figure 4

Don’t torture yourself selecting - give yourself a time limit - 5 minutes maximum - to select an image from which you are going to copy.

High Quality Transcriptions, figure 5

Section Copy Same Media

Section Copy Same Media Section Copied in Accurate Detail in Same Media as OriginalHigh Quality Transcriptions, figure 1High Quality Transcriptions, figure 2High Quality Transcriptions, figure 3High Quality Transcriptions, figure 4High Quality Transcriptions, figure 5High Quality Transcriptions, figure 6High Quality Transcriptions, figure 7

When you have selected your image [those above are just some examples to make you thing - using the theme ‘contemporary portraits’….

  1. Make yourself a viewfinder -


  1. Now use the viewfinder to select a part of your image - and copy it as accurately as you can
  2. Your section should be no bigger than 1/8th of the original - remember - you are just trying it out!

Scaled Section Copy

Scaled Section Copy Scaled Down Copy of Whole Image

Now you have mastered a small section - make a simple copy of the whole image - and scale it down to a size you can accomplish in 2-3 hours - and copy it, using a simple media such as pencil with washes of colour - just so that you can understand how the image works, and was constructed by the artist originally…

Art Hack Tips :

  1. Scale up using your viewfinder again
  2. Grid up your page / canvas / screen - so that you can work scaling up one box on the grid at a time
  3. Start just with outlines
  4. Then build it up tonally / into blocks of colour
  5. Do details last
  6. Remember you ice a cake last!!

Scaled Section Copy Same Media

Scaled Section Copy Same Media Scaled Down Copy of Whole Image in Same Media as Original

Now you have:

  1. Mastered a small section
  2. Explored how the whole thing is composed

Now - make a scaled down copy of the whole image - and again scale it down to a size you can accomplish in 2-3 hours - and copy it, using the same methods as in the original.

Art Hack Tips:

  1. Scale up using your viewfinder again
  2. Grid up your page / canvas / screen - so that you can work scaling up one box on the grid at a time
  3. Start just with outlines
  4. Then build it up tonally / into blocks of colour
  5. Do detail last
  6. Remember you ice a cake last!!