
  • Leadership is the process of influencing and directing individuals or groups towards the achievement of goals.
  • Different leadership styles yield different outcomes, with certain styles being more effective in specific situations. Leadership styles can range from autocratic and paternalistic to democratic and laissez-faire.
  • Autocratic leadership is characterised by one person making all decision with little or no input from others. It can lead to high output in the short term, but may demotivate team members over time.
  • Paternalistic leadership is similar to autocratic leadership but involves a more familial approach, considering the welfare of the team members.
  • Democratic leadership encourages decision-making through consultation and participation of team members. It may lead to greater satisfaction and motivation, although it may also be time-consuming.
  • Laissez-faire leadership, as the term suggests, involves a ‘let them do’ approach where leaders provide minimal direction and control. While it could foster creativity and autonomy, it may result in lack of coordination and guidance if poorly managed.
  • Successful leaders can motivate their team members, efficient in delegation, encourage creativity and innovation, engages in effective communication and can make strategic decisions.
  • Factors such as culture, nature of task, capability of team members and urgency can influence the effectiveness of a leadership style.
  • Transformational leadership involves inspiring others to surpass their own self-interests for the good of the organisation. It often leads to higher productivity and satisfaction.
  • Transactional leadership, on the other hand, is based on exchange – team members are rewarded or punished based on their performance. While this can ensure consistency, it may not inspire extraordinary efforts.
  • Leadership not only impacts the behaviour of individuals within the organisation but also influences organisational culture and performance.
  • It is important to understand the distinction between leadership and management. While management focuses more on tasks, systems and structures, leadership is about influencing, inspiring and driving people.
  • The choice of leadership style can significantly impact job satisfaction, staff retention, productivity and ultimately, the success of an organisation. Leadership style should be adapted to the situation and the team members involved.