Practical Skills Developed Through Fieldwork

Practical Skills Developed Through Fieldwork

Fieldwork Planning

  • Understanding the importance of planning for effective fieldwork, which includes determining the aim and objectives, site location, timing, and necessary equipment.
  • Considering the geological phenomena to observe or sample, which helps in designing the method for data collection, ensuring worthwhile and ethical fieldwork.
  • Developing the skill of risk assessment, taking into account hazard identification, risk evaluation and control measures, vital for any geology fieldwork.

Data Collection

  • Demonstrating the ability to use a variety of geological tools, such as rock hammers, hand lenses, and GPS devices, crucial in geological data collection.
  • Developing competency in geological sampling practices: recognising what to sample, how to extract it, and how to store it properly for later examination.
  • Gaining proficiency in creating clear, accurate field sketches and annotating photographs, essential for capturing visual data during fieldwork.

Field Observations

  • Excelling in making accurate field observations and records related to geological features, landforms, rock types, fossils, and more.
  • Ensuring proficiency in keeping a detailed and methodical field notebook, a key tool for the geologist, recording all data and observations made in the field.

Data Analysis

  • Displaying the capability to interpret and analyse the collected data, including rock samples, geomorphological features, or sedimentary sequences.
  • Developing skills in using geological maps, understanding their symbols, colours and patterns, and applying this in the field.

Reporting and Communicating

  • Learning how to present the observations, interpretations, and conclusions in a structured report, using appropriate geoscientific language and conventions.
  • Highlighting the importance of communication skills in discussing and sharing findings with peers or supervisors, contributing to collaborative scientific knowledge.

Safety and Ethics

  • Emphasising awareness in adhering to safety protocols whilst conducting fieldwork, using appropriate personal protective equipment, and understanding potential hazards in diverse field environments.
  • Promoting ethical behaviours in the field, like consideration for the environment, respect for local cultures and legislations, and maintaining integrity in recording and reporting data.