Analyzing the author's purpose and intentions.

Analyzing the author’s purpose and intentions.

Understanding the Author’s Perspective

  • Develop skills to identify the author’s viewpoint in the given text. It may be overtly stated, or it could be inferred from the content and tone.
  • Pay attention to emotive language, use of adjectives, descriptive phrases, and diction which can give clues about the author’s feelings and beliefs towards the subject.
  • Evaluate the effects of literary techniques used by the author, such as metaphors, similes, and imagery - they often hint at the intentions behind the writing.
  • Look for biases in the text. Identifying biases can often shed light on the author’s viewpoint and thus help to uncover their purpose and intention.

Determining the Author’s Intent

  • Familiarise with different writing intentions. Authors typically write to inform, entertain, persuade, or express personal feelings.
  • Observe the tone of the text - is it formal, casual, emotional, neutral? The tone often indicates the intended audience and purpose of the text.
  • Consider overall context and genre of the text. These elements can provide valuable clues towards understanding the writer’s purpose.

Inferring Author’s Purpose

  • Inferring is a vital skill in understanding author’s intention. It requires you to draw conclusions based on available textual information and background knowledge.
  • Pay attention to what is explicitly stated, as well as what is implied. Both provide critical insights and context for understanding the author’s purpose.
  • Notice if the author is asking the reader to take a particular action or is trying to change readers’ minds about something, which would suggest a persuasive text.

Applying Understanding to Text Analysis

  • Regularly practise analysing texts from different genres using your skills in determining the author’s perspective and intention.
  • Summarising each article’s purpose and author’s viewpoint in your own words can be a great way to consolidate your understanding.
  • Use resources such as language learning website and practice papers to hone your skills and deepen your understanding of author’s purpose and intentions.

Revision and Evaluation

  • It is key to review and revise regularly the techniques you have learned for analysing author’s purpose and intentions.
  • Seek feedback on your analyses from teachers, peers, and language learning platforms to keep improving your understanding.
  • Assess your progress periodically. Developing analytical skills is a gradual process; celebrate your small victories along the way.