Gamma Ray, X-Ray and Ultraviolet Astronomy

Gamma Ray, X-Ray and Ultraviolet Astronomy

Gamma Rays

  • Gamma rays are the highest energy and shortest wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Gamma rays are often produced in the most violent events in the universe such as supernova explosions or the decay of radioactive material in space.
  • Gamma ray astronomy is used to study these high-energy phenomena, as well as other objects like pulsars and black holes.
  • However, because gamma rays are blocked by Earth’s atmosphere, observations must be made from high-altitude balloons or space-based telescopes.


  • X-rays are high-energy waves with shorter wavelengths than ultraviolet light but longer than gamma rays.
  • They are usually emitted by hot, high-energy sources in the universe, like neutron stars, black holes, and high-temperature gases surrounding them.
  • X-ray astronomy provides valuable information about these objects, their environment, and processes within them.
  • Like gamma rays, X-rays are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, so X-ray astronomy requires space-based observatories or telescopes.

Ultraviolet Light

  • Ultraviolet (UV) light is a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than visible light but longer than X-rays.
  • UV light is produced by hot objects in the universe, including young, hot stars and galaxies with active star formation.
  • Ultraviolet astronomy helps us understand the life cycle of stars, the evolution of galaxies, and the large-scale structure of the universe.
  • Some UV radiation can be observed from Earth’s surface. However, the majority is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and ozone layer, requiring space-based observation for the full spectrum.

Detection and Challenges

  • Instruments like detectors and spectrometers on space-based platforms like the Hubble Space Telescope or Chandra X-ray Observatory are used in the observation of gamma rays, X-rays, and UV radiation.
  • Despite the insight they offer, observing these types of radiation poses challenges due to their short wavelengths and high energies. They are difficult to focus and require special mirror designs.
  • Also, these types of radiation are absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, which is why space-based observatories are crucial for these astronomical observations.

Contribution to Astronomy

  • Gamma ray, X-ray, and ultraviolet astronomy contribute significantly to our understanding of the universe.
  • They provide key insights into high-energy phenomena and processes, the life cycle of stars, the evolution of galaxies, and the large-scale picture of the universe.
  • While challenging to capture, these forms of radiation have revolutionised our knowledge of the cosmos.