What do we mean by identity?

What do we mean by identity?

What is Identity?

  • Identity is a concept referring to how we see and express ourselves, and how others perceive us.
  • Your identity incorporates characteristics that make you unique, such as personality traits, values, beliefs, cultural background, experiences, and roles in life.
  • Understand that identity is plural and changing. Individuals often have many identities at once, encompassing many roles or facets of their selfhood. These identities can change over time.
  • Know that self-perception is a significant part of identity, defining how we view ourselves and how we believe others perceive us.
  • Remember that social interaction is a key influence on identity, as identities are shaped and developed in relation to other people.
  • Consider cultural identity, the sense of belonging to a social group with shared traditions, languages, rituals, norms, and patterns of behavior.
  • Understand that national identity is one’s affinity with a certain nation, often due to shared language, culture, or history.

Aspects of Identity

  • Grasp the role of gender identity, your personal sense of your gender, which may align with or differ from the sex you were assigned at birth.
  • Consider the impact of sexual identity, encompassing how individuals identify in terms of their sexual orientation.
  • Understand ethnic identity, which refers to the ethnic group or groups an individual identifies with, often based on common racial, ancestral, cultural, or national experiences.

Identity and Society

  • Know that identity is influenced by society’s attitudes and stereotypes, which can have significant impact on how we define our self and others.
  • Consider discrimination and its effect on identity, such as negative bias or treatment based on an individual’s identity, including race, gender, religion, nationality, sexuality, etc.
  • Understand social mobility, the ability to move up or down in societal status or wealth, and its impact on a person’s identity.
  • Acknowledge the importance of digital identity, how we present ourselves and interact online, including social media, and its increasing significance in the modern world.
  • Recognize that intersectionality plays a crucial role in identities, as individuals can have several overlapping identities, which combined, can influence their experience of the world.