Daily life and routines

Daily life and routines

Understanding Daily Routines

  • Familiarise yourself with vocabulary associated with basic daily routines in Persian, including waking up, eating meals, going to school/work, and going to bed.
  • Learn the terminology for day parts such as morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
  • Understand the expressions used for frequency such as always, sometimes, often, never.

Discussing Work and School Life

  • Learn key words associated with school life such as types of schooling, subjects, roles (like student, teacher, principal), and school items.
  • Be acquainted with work environment vocabulary, know the names of various professions, discuss work schedules and tasks.
  • Practice how to talk about your feelings towards school/work, describe your typical day, and talk about your future plans.

Describing Leisure Activities

  • Acquire vocabulary for common leisure activities such as reading, watching TV, playing sports or games, and browsing the internet.
  • Learn to connect these activities to different times of day - i.e., what activities are common in the morning vs the evening.
  • Understand how to discuss preference, express likes and dislikes regarding various activities.

Meals and Food Culture

  • Understand food and meal related vocabulary, essential phrases for meal times, types of meals (like breakfast, lunch, dinner), and a variety of popular Persian dishes.
  • Be aware of Persian food culture, traditional dishes, dining etiquette and learn how to discuss food preferences and dietary restrictions.

Articulating Personal Daily Routines

  • Practice describing a basic routine in the first person, third person (he/she/they), and be able to ask someone about their routine.
  • Discuss your typical day, from when you wake up until you go to sleep, incorporating as much learning vocabulary as possible.
  • Learn to articulate your feelings towards your daily routines, and your aspirations for changing or maintaining certain aspects.

Familiarising yourself with these elements will better equip you to discuss daily life and routine in Persian contexts, aiding deeper understanding of the culture and lifestyle.