International events and politics

International events and politics

International Events Involving Iran

  • Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA): The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, an agreement reached in 2015 between Iran, the US, EU, and others to limit Iran’s nuclear activities; rapidly fell apart after the US withdrew in 2018.
  • Iran-Iraq War: Lasted from 1980 to 1988, with profound implications for both Iran’s economic and political landscape. The war claimed at least a million lives.
  • Islamic Revolution 1979: Transformed Iran from a monarchy under Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi to an Islamic republic led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Iran’s Role in Regional Politics

  • Support for Hezbollah in Lebanon: Iran has consistently backed the Shia Islamist political party and military group, increasing its influence in the region.
  • Participation in the Syrian Civil War: Iran has been supporting the Assad regime in Syria, complicating relations with the international community.
  • Tensions with Saudi Arabia: Fuelled by the Saudi-Iran rivalry in the Middle East, this has led to proxy wars in Yemen and other areas.

Iran’s Relations with Global Powers

  • United States: Relations worsened following the 1979 Islamic Revolution and have been tense ever since, particularly due to US sanctions and disagreement over the nuclear deal.
  • Russia and China: Both countries have developed strategic partnerships with Iran, helping to counterbalance Western pressure.
  • European Union: Ties have been strained over the issue of Iran’s nuclear program, human rights concerns, and the fate of the JCPOA.