Teachers and subjects

Teachers and subjects

Qualification and Training of Teachers

  • In Iran, teachers undertake a bachelor’s degree, though a master’s degree is increasingly becoming the requirement particularly for secondary schools.
  • For their training, prospective teachers study subjects like Educational Psychology, Pedagogy, and Educational Strategies.
  • They also have to undergo a short practical teaching stint before being eligible for a teaching position.

The Role of Teachers

  • Teachers are regarded with great respect and play a key role in shaping young minds.
  • Beyond teaching their respective subjects, they are also responsible for instilling discipline, enforcing school rules and promoting ethical and moral values.
  • They may also organise and lead extracurricular activities, like drama, debate, and sports clubs.

Subjects Taught by Teachers

  • Teachers specialise in one or multiple subjects. Common subjects include Farsi, Mathematics, Sciences, and Islamic studies.
  • Secondary school teachers also teach subjects such as History, Geography, Art and Physical Education.
  • An increasing emphasis is being laid on learning foreign languages, with English being the most common.

Teachers’ Interaction with Parents

  • Regular parent-teacher meetings are held to discuss a child’s academic progress, behaviour, and any challenges they may be facing.
  • Teachers play a significant role in highlighting potential and talent in children which may need nurturing at home.
  • Communication between teachers and parents is encouraged to ensure a supportive learning environment at both school and home.

Examinations and Assessments

  • Teachers play a central role in designing and conducting periodic quizzes, tests and end-of-term examinations.
  • They are responsible for grading these assessments and providing feedback to aid in the improvement and growth of individuals.
  • They are also involved in preparing students for significant exams such as the Konkur for entrance to universities.