Course, practices and outcomes

Course, practices and outcomes

Course of Wars

  • Understand the timeline and major events of significant wars between 750-1500.
    • For instance, the Crusades began in 1095 and largely finished by 1291, but recognised eight distinct campaigns.
  • Recognise the largely regional nature of warfare during this period, with major conflicts often centred in Europe and the Middle East.
    • The Hundred Years’ War was a significant conflict between England and France over French succession.

Practices of Wars

  • Familiarise yourself with the typical tactics, weaponry, and strategies employed in warfare during this era.
    • Tactics evolved significantly, such as the use of combined arms during the Crusades where infantry and cavalry worked together in battle.
    • Weaponry knowledge is also crucial, for example, longbows which greatly influenced the outcomes of the battles during the Hundred Years’ War.
  • Appreciate the role of logistics and supply in medieval warfare, including the importance of sieges and fortifications.
    • During the Siege of Jerusalem in 1099, the Crusaders’ successful siege marked a key turning point in the First Crusade.

Outcomes of Wars

  • Understand the ramifications of conflicts, which could include shifts in territory, socio-economic impacts, and profound cultural or ideological change.
    • The Reconquista led to the consolidation of Spain as a unified Catholic nation.
  • Develop a sense of the long-term impacts, such as the lasting enmity between England and France seeded by the Hundred Years’ War.
    • Long-term effects might have influenced later conflicts, like the background resentment from the Wars of the Roses leading to the eventual rise of the Tudor Dynasty.

This analysis of course, practices, and outcomes will give deeper understanding of the fundamental aspects of wars during the 750-1500 period.