Kosovo: Causes

Kosovo: Causes

Historical Background

  • Kosovo is a region in the Balkans, with a predominantly Albanian population, but considered significant by Serbs due to its historical and cultural importance.
  • In the 14th century, a centuries-old Serbian Battle of Kosovo took place here, giving the Serbs a spiritual and historical attachment.
  • From the end of World War II until the 1990s, Kosovo was an autonomous province within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Ethnic and Religious Tensions

  • The population of Kosovo is predominantly ethnic Albanian and Muslim, while Serbia is largely Orthodox Christian.
  • The increasing Albanian population in Kosovo and decreasing Serbian population added to Serbia’s fear of losing this significant territory.
  • The 20th century saw a series of conflicts between Albanians and Serbs over the control and governance of the region.

Political and Nationalistic Causes

  • Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, exploiting the Serbs’ fear of losing Kosovo, started a nationalist campaign, which included abolishing Kosovo’s autonomy in 1989.
  • This led to widespread protests from the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, leading to further tension and conflict.
  • The formation of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1996 aimed to fight against Serbian rule, further escalated the conflict.

International Factors

  • Yugoslavia, once a federation of six republics, started disintegrating in the early 1990s, leading to several violent conflicts, known as the Yugoslav Wars.
  • The international community’s intervention in Bosnia and Croatia, but initial reluctance to interfere in Kosovo, created a power vacuum.
  • The Dayton Agreement in 1995 ended the war in Bosnia, but failed to address the deep-rooted ethnic issues in Kosovo, thus allowing the conflict to escalate.

Economic Disparity

  • High levels of unemployment and poverty among Kosovo Albanians due to discriminatory practices by the Serbian state led to economic discontent.
  • International sanctions imposed on Serbia since the early 1990s worsened the economic situation, fueling frustration and grievances among Kosovars.