Promoting health

Promoting health

Health Promotion Strategies

  • Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health.

  • It not only focuses on individual behaviour but also on a wide range of social and environmental interventions designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life.

  • Behaviour Change Strategies encourage people to adopt healthier behaviours, such as quitting smoking, increasing physical activity and improving nutrition.

  • Preventive Medical Interventions include screening for diseases and administering vaccines.

Effective Communication in Health Promotion

  • Health education aims to improve health literacy, including knowledge, skills and attitudes, to maintain and improve health. It often involves learning about healthy behaviours, risk factors for disease and using healthcare services.

  • Media campaigns, such as advertisements and public service announcements, can raise awareness about health issues, challenge social norms and motivate people to change their behaviour.

  • Health information should be clear, accurate and actionable to be effective.

Health Policies

  • Health policies, such as smoking bans in public places and taxing unhealthy foods, can create environments that support healthy behaviours.

  • Health promotion efforts also aim to reduce health inequities by addressing social determinants of health such as income, education and housing.

Role of Community in Health Promotion

  • Community-based interventions involve working with individuals or groups of people to address health issues within their community.

  • Involving the community in health promotion efforts can help to ensure that activities are culturally appropriate and meet the needs of the population.

  • Collaboration between health services, local government and community organisations can contribute towards a comprehensive approach to health promotion.

Psychological Aspects of Health Promotion

  • Understanding the psychological factors that influence health behaviour can improve health promotion strategies.

  • Theories such as the Health Belief Model and the Theory of Planned Behaviour can provide insight into how beliefs and attitudes influence health behaviours.

  • Motivation, self-efficacy, and coping strategies are important psychological factors in health behaviour change.