Group dynamics

Group Dynamics

Basic Understanding

  • Group dynamics refers to the behaviours, attitudes, and processes that occur within a social group.

Types of Groups

  • Primary Groups: These are usually small with strong emotional ties. Family is an example of a primary group.
  • Secondary Groups: Larger and more impersonal groups, like school classes or work teams, which exist often for a specific purpose.

Group Behaviour

  • Conformity: This is the tendency for individuals to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours with those of the group.
  • Group think: This refers to the phenomenon where group members start thinking alike, often to the detriment of making the best decision.
  • Social Influence: The changes in an individual’s attitudes, beliefs, or behaviour induced by interactions with others.

Group Roles

  • Assigned Roles: These are formally granted to a person, like a team leader in a work setting.
  • Emergent Roles: These are not officially designated, but naturally form over time as group members exhibit certain skills or qualities.

Stages of Group Development

  • Forming: The initial stage where group members are getting to know each other.
  • Storming: Involves conflict with power dynamics and competition taking centre stage.
  • Norming: Emergence of a group structure and set of shared expectations.
  • Performing: The operational stage where the group begins working towards fulfilling its tasks effectively.
  • Adjourning: The group disbands after accomplishing its goals.

Factors Influencing Group Dynamics

  • Group Size: Bigger groups may struggle with communication, but have a wider range of resources. Smaller groups may work more cohesively.
  • Group Cohesiveness: The sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel towards a group to which they belong.
  • Leadership: Effective leadership can guide a group towards its goals while poor leadership can lead to conflict and reduced productivity.
  • Conflict: Healthy conflict can spur better decision-making while destructive conflict can lead to reduced group productivity.

Impact of Group Dynamics

  • On Individuals: Being part of a group can provide emotional support, shape identity and increase self-esteem.
  • On the group itself: Effective group dynamics can lead to better decision making, increased creativity and higher satisfaction among group members.
  • On Society: On a larger scale, group dynamics can impact social change, promotion of social norms and societal harmony.