Bearings and compass directions

Bearings and Compass Directions

Basic Terminology

  • A bearing is a measurement of direction between two points. It’s calculated as an angle in degrees, measured clockwise from True North.
  • True North is the geographical north directly along the Earth’s rotational axis.
  • Compass directions, such as North (N), East (E), South (S), and West (W), are used to describe general directions.
  • A compass rose is a diagram that shows directions and bearings on a map. The north line represents 0° or 360°, east represents 90°, south is 180°, and west is 270°.

Using Bearings

  • Bearings are always given as three-digit numbers, between 000° and 360°. For instance, a bearing of 45° would be written as 045°.
  • To measure a bearing from one point to another, you start by pointing the 0° (north line) of your protractor towards the north, and measure the angle in the clockwise direction.
  • Bearings are a very useful tool in navigation, allowing for precise indications of where one location is relative to another.

Compass Directions

  • The main compass points are North, East, South, and West. Intermediate points are also used, such as:
    • North-East (NE), lying halfway between N and E
    • South-East (SE), lying halfway between S and E
    • South-West (SW), lying halfway between S and W
    • North-West (NW), lying halfway between N and W
  • The compass rose thus has eight main points: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. These can be further subdivided.
  • When giving a direction in relation to compass points, it is traditional to give the direction as a combination of these points. For example, a direction halfway between North and North-East would be described as “North-North-East”.

Bearings and Compass Directions in Mathematics

  • In trigonometry, you’ll often convert between bearings and angles. When converting, remember that bearings are measured from the north line clockwise, while angles in mathematics are typically measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.
  • Problems involving bearings and compass directions often require techniques such as constructing and interpreting scale drawings, measuring and drawing angles, or using Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry in right-angled triangles.
  • In understanding compass directions and bearings, you are developing skills in spatial awareness, measurement, and direction - all key concepts in the study of geometry.

Understanding how to work with bearings and compass directions and how to apply this knowledge in mathematics can go a long way towards improving your understanding of the larger field of geometry as a whole.