Types of number (integers, decimals, fractions, percentages, and surds)

Types of number (integers, decimals, fractions, percentages, and surds)

Types of Number

  • Integers: Whole numbers that can be positive, negative or zero. Range from negative infinity to positive infinity.
  • Decimals: Numbers expressed in base 10, have an integer part and a fraction part separated by a decimal point. Example 0.75, 12.5 are decimals.
  • Fractions: Express part of a whole or a ratio of two numbers. They contain a numerator (above the line) and a denominator (below the line). Example 1/2, 5/7 are fractions.
  • Percentages: Represent proportions as parts out of 100, denoted by the symbol ‘%’. Example 25%, 100% are percentages.
  • Surds: Represent roots that cannot be expressed as an exact fractional power. Example, √2, √3 are surds, but √4 is not a surd as it simplifies to an exact integer of 2.

Working with Types of Number

  • Understand how to convert between different types of numbers. For instance, moving from a fraction to a percentage, or from a decimal to a surd.
  • Conversion into decimal form is a common task: percentages, fractions, and square roots can all be expressed in this way.
  • Rounding numbers often comes into play, and can involve any type of number. Remember when to round up and when to round down.
  • Surds often cause difficulty as they are a less familiar number type. Remember their key features, such as having no exact fractional or decimal equivalent.

Important Points

  • Be confident with the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) for each of the number types: integers, decimal, fractions, percentages, and surds.
  • Ordering and comparing different types of numbers is a key skill: consider converting all numbers to the same type (often decimals) to aid comprehension.
  • Be aware of common mistakes like assuming that a larger denominator makes a fraction larger - this is a false assumption.
  • Practise a wide range of questions involving different types of numbers. This will build familiarity and confidence - key for exam success.