Understanding Percentages
- Percentages are a way of expressing a proportion or fraction as parts out of a hundred. The symbol “%” is used to indicate a percentage.
- The term “percent” comes from the Latin ‘per centum’, meaning ‘for each hundred’.
- 100% represents a whole or everything of something. Any number can be expressed as a percentage of itself by stating it as 100%.
- A percentage less than 100% represents a portion less than the whole, and a percentage greater than 100% represents an amount greater than the whole.
- Percentages are often used in real-life situations, such as sales discounts, tax calculations, and data representation.
Calculating Percentages
- To calculate a percentage of a given amount, multiply the number by the percentage, then divide by 100. For example, to find 20% of 50, multiply 50 by 20 and then divide by 100 to get the answer 10.
- The formula to calculate the original amount given the final amount and the percentage increase or decrease is Original Amount = Final Amount / (1 + Percentage Increase / 100) or Original Amount = Final Amount / (1 - Percentage Decrease / 100)
Increase and Decrease in Percentages
- A percentage increase refers to the proportion by which an amount has been increased with reference to its original size.
- A percentage decrease refers to the proportion by which an amount has been reduced with reference to its original size.
- To calculate the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, subtract the original number from the new number, divide by the original number, and then multiply by 100.
Key Points
- Understanding percentages is key to many areas of maths, from everyday applications, such as shopping sales, to more complex areas like statistical analysis.
- Working fluently with percentages requires practice and familiarity. Regularly work through a variety of problem types.
- Remember to check any calculations carefully to avoid common errors, such as forgetting to divide by 100 when converting a percentage to a decimal.