Safe use of tools and equipment

Safe Use of Tools and Equipment

General Principles

  • Tools and equipment are essential for construction tasks but can pose serious risks if not handled correctly.
  • Always ensure to wear appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), such as gloves, safety glasses, and hard hats.
  • Comprehensive training must be received before using any tool or equipment. Never operate machinery you haven’t been trained to use.
  • Maintain focus when using tools and machinery. Distractions can lead to dangerous incidents.
  • Always inspect tools and equipment before use to ensure they are in good condition and secure.
  • Know the emergency stop locations on any machinery you operate.

Power Tools and Equipment

  • Always disconnect power tools when changing parts (blades, bits etc.) and when not in use.
  • Use ground-fault circuit-interrupters (GFCIs) with power tools to provide protection from electrical shock.
  • Power cords need to be regularly checked for any damage, ensure they are not a trip hazard and never remove them by pulling from the power socket.
  • Always consider if using a less risky, non-powered tool is viable instead.

Hand Tools

  • Always choose the right tool for the job to prevent unnecessary risk. Using the wrong tool may lead to injury.
  • Hand tools should never be used outside of their intended purpose, for instance, using a screwdriver as a chisel.
  • Maintain safe storage for all tools when not in use to prevent any accidental harm or damage to the tools.
  • Sharp tools are safer as they require less force to use, but they need careful handling to prevent cuts and punctures.

Ladders and Scaffolds

  • Ensure ladders are stable and secure before climbing them. They should extend at least 1 metre above the landing point.
  • Never overreach on a ladder, as this can cause instability.
  • Use scaffolds when a task is too dangerous or complex for a ladder.
  • Scaffolds must be regularly checked by competent person to ascertain their safety.
  • Always use personal fall-arrest system (PFAS) while working on scaffolds more than 10 feet above ground.