Workplace behavior and expectations

Workplace behavior and expectations

Workplace Behaviour and Expectations

Understanding how to conduct oneself in a professional setting is key, whether engaging with colleagues, superiors, clients, or customers. Here are some essential guidelines.


  • Professionalism refers to conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence.
  • It involves communicating effectively and appropriately and always striving for ongoing learning and development.
  • Be sure to dress appropriately for your workplace. This shows respect for the organisation and your role.
  • Always arrive punctually, both for your overall work schedule and any specific meetings or appointments.

Communication and Interaction

  • Clear and polite communication is key, whether face-to-face, over the phone, or in written correspondence.
  • Understand that everyone has different communication styles and try to adapt accordingly.
  • Show respect towards all coworkers, regardless of their role or rank in the company.
  • Use active listening skills to show colleagues and customers that you value their input.


  • Cooperation is vital in a workplace setting. Always be willing to assist and support your colleagues.
  • Be sure to show appreciation when a coworker assists you, and be quick to offer help when you can.
  • Encourage a positive workplace environment through acts of kindness and recognition towards colleagues.

Respect and Discrimination

  • A respectful workplace is one where discrimination and harassment are not tolerated.
  • Understand and respect the diversity that individuals bring to the organization in terms of age, race, gender, ethnic origin, physical ability, lifestyle choice, and cultural background.
  • Report any behaviours that are discriminatory or disrespectful to an appropriate figure within the company.

Office Etiquette

  • Respect shared spaces and resources. Leaving communal areas, like kitchens or meeting rooms, tidy after use is part of professional workplace behaviour.
  • Limit personal phone calls and other interactions during work hours.
  • It’s important to remember to respect coworker’s privacy. Physical and personal boundaries should be observed at all times.

Consideration for Health and Safety

  • Understand and comply with your company’s health and safety policies. This could involve emergency procedures, use of equipment, or specific regulations depending on your role.
  • Report any issues or hazards immediately to the appropriate person.
  • Awareness of your own and others’ wellbeing in the workplace can contribute to a healthier, more productive environment.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development

  • Always be willing to learn and improve in your career. This could involve attending trainings or workshops or seeking advice and feedback from colleagues.
  • Embrace new opportunities to grow and add to your skills.
  • Show initiative by suggesting new ideas and improvements to workflows or procedures.