Give formal instructions and advice

Give formal instructions and advice

Formulating Instructions

  • Clarity: Ensure instructions are concise and clear to avoid confusion. This includes using plain and simple language.
  • Sequential sign: Utilise signs that demonstrate order or sequence to outline steps of instructions.
  • Non-manual features: Make use of expressions, eye gaze and body language to add nuanced information to instructions, including emphasis or importance.

Offering Advice

  • Considerate delivery: Provide advice in a non-judgmental manner, showing respect for the person’s autonomy and feelings.
  • Use of conditionals: Incorporate if-then statements to present potential scenarios and outcomes.
  • Appropriate tone: Use facial expressions and signing rhythm to set the appropriate tone while giving advice – it should not seem like an order or command.

Accuracy and Understanding

  • Confirmation: Frequently check for comprehension and encourage asks for clarification if any part of the instruction or advice is not understood.
  • Repetition: Repeat or rephrase crucial points to stress their importance and ensure they are fully understood.
  • Reciprocity: Encourage the person to repeat back the instruction or advice to verify their understanding.

Supportive Resources

  • Visual aids: Use drawings, diagrams, or lists made in the air or on paper to support instructions or advice.
  • Role-play: Demonstrate a situation or behaviour to clarify instructions or illustrate the potential impacts of different decisions.
  • Metaphor and analogy: Draw upon shared knowledge or experiences with the person to help explain complex instructions or advice.