Understand most common regional variations

Understand most common regional variations

Understanding Regional Variations

  • Broad recognition: Gain an understanding of the most common regional variations in sign language across the UK.
  • Vocabulary diversity: Recognise that different regions may use different signs for the same concept due to historical and cultural influences.
  • Local dialects: Build an awareness that some areas have local dialects or signs which are unique to them.

Identifying Differences

  • Sign variations: Establish the ability to identify variations in sign vocabulary, e.g., the signs for colours, numbers or animals might differ regionally.
  • Accent equivalent: Understand that these variations are much like geolects or accented speech in spoken language — that is, they are not errors or incorrect BSL.

Adapting Communication

  • Flexible signing: Develop the skill to adjust signing based upon the receiver’s comprehension levels; this might involve using more standard or commonly understood signs.
  • Clarification techniques: Learn how to clarify or confirm understanding with the person you are communicating with if a regional sign is misunderstood.

Appreciating Local Cultures

  • Cultural sensitivity: Recognise the importance of maintaining a respectful attitude towards regional variations, as these are intrinsically linked with local identity and culture.
  • Community integration: Understand that regional variations foster a sense of community and belonging among users of BSL in specific regions.