Find alternative ways to express unfamiliar terms

Find alternative ways to express unfamiliar terms

Understanding Unfamiliar Terms in BSL

  • Recognise that unfamiliar terms can pose challenges in BSL, as the language may not have existing signs to represent every English word or concept.
  • Acknowledge the need to find alternative ways to express these unfamiliar terms, in order to ensure clear and effective communication.
  • Understand the technique of fingerspelling to spell out the English word of the unfamiliar term in BSL when no appropriate sign exists. However, use this only when necessary as fingerspelling is slower and typically less engaging for the viewer than using signs.

Strategies for Expressing Unfamiliar Terms

  • Know that expanding the term into a full definition, also known as expansion or explanation, can be a useful strategy in depicting a complex term or an unfamiliar concept in BSL.
  • Take advantage of the use of examples or analogies to illustrate the meaning of unfamiliar terms, much like painting a mental picture for the viewer.
  • Appreciate the ability of role shifting and portraying where you act out the role or characteristics of the concept in question. This would not only present the term more clearly but also add dramatic effect to the conversation.

Considering Context and Audience

  • Be aware of the context and target audience when selecting the best approach to convey unfamiliar terms in BSL. The knowledge level and prior exposure to BSL of the audience should play a significant role in your choice of strategy.
  • Understand the strategy of looping for reinforcement, which involves repeating the unfamiliar term along with its explanation or analogy at repeated intervals, to clearly embed the concept in the listener’s mind.
  • Remember to monitor understanding by looking for visual cues in your audience, such as facial expressions and gestures, to affirm comprehension or to adjust your communication approach as required.