Science and Technology

Science and Technology

Evolution of Technology

  • Understand the progression of technology from simple tools in early civilisation to contemporary digital innovations.
  • Explore milestones in the history of technology, including the Industrial Revolution, the space age, and the digital era.
  • Reflect on the societal impacts and implications of major technological advancements such as automation, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality.

Role and Importance of Science

  • Comprehend the vital role of science in the development and understanding of the world around us.
  • Gain knowledge about the scientific method, including hypothesis forming, experimentation, observation, and conclusion drawing.
  • Discuss the major scientific discoveries and breakthroughs throughout history and their impact on society.

Scientific Disciplines

  • Discuss various disciplines within science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and geology.
  • Understand the practical implications and applications of each discipline in our everyday life.
  • Investigate recent developments and research trends in each of these disciplines.

Science, Technology and Society

  • Examine the relationship between science, technology, and society.
  • Discuss the ethical, social, and environmental implications of scientific and technological advancements.
  • Reflect on the concept of scientific responsibility and the role of ethics in science and technology.

Impact of Technology

  • Evaluate the influence of technology on various sectors such as education, healthcare, manufacturing, and communication.
  • Analyse the positive and negative effects of technology on individuals and society, for example, ease of access to information Vs privacy concerns.
  • Examine how technological advancements have contributed to globalisation and the digital economy.

Remember the importance of expressing these ideas and topics through British Sign Language, focussing specifically on the key terminology shown in bold. Your ability to communicate these concepts clearly using the appropriate signs, facial expressions, and body language is paramount.