
Understanding Society

  • Grasp the key elements that make up a society, including its people, structures, institutions, and systems.
  • Examine the difference between urban and rural societies, and the unique characteristics of each.

Social Class and Stratification

  • Analyse the concept of social class and how it shapes society and people’s lives.
  • Explore different models of social stratification, including caste, class, and estate systems.
  • Discuss the impacts of wealth inequality and social mobility on societies.

Groups and Organisations

  • Understand how groups and organisations, both formal and informal, impact societal structure and functioning.
  • Explore different types of organisations such as businesses, governments, and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).

Institutions in Society

  • Investigate the role and impact of the various institutions in society, including education, family, religion, and the state.
  • Explore how these institutions have evolved over time and their influence on societal norms and values.

Social Issues

  • Discuss prevalent social issues affecting modern societies such as ageism, racism, poverty, gender inequality, and homelessness.
  • Examine the impacts of these issues on individuals and groups, and consider potential strategies for change and improvement.

Cultures and Traditions

  • Investigate different cultural practices and traditions around the world and understand their role in shaping societies.
  • Discern the importance of cultural diversity and its impacts on society.

Societal Changes

  • Reflect on how societal change occurs, whether through innovation, rebellion, or evolution.
  • Analyse how social, political, and economic factors can drive societal changes.

It is crucial to practice conveying these topics through British Sign Language, especially focusing on key terms and phrases mentioned above. Remember, in a signing context, clear communication is achieved not only through correct sign selection but also through appropriate facial expressions, body language, and orientation.