Understand complex enquiries, questions, comments and responses

Understand complex enquiries, questions, comments and responses

Understanding Complex Enquiries

  • Master the ability to comprehend complex enquiries in British Sign Language (BSL).
  • Differentiate between various types of queries, such as reflective, informational or interpretive.
  • Familiarise yourself with specific signs and structures commonly used in formulating complex enquiries.

Interpreting Questions

  • Understand the ability to interpret intricate questions and discern their underlying intention.
  • Focus on the use of non-manual features like facial expressions to properly comprehend the context or emotional intent of a question.
  • Recognise ‘wh-questions’ (who, what, where, etc.) and ‘yes-no’ questions by their specific sign language structures.

Engaging with Comments

  • Develop skills to understand and engage with multi-faceted comments effectively.
  • Acknowledge the tone in comments by paying attention to sign intensity and facial expressions.
  • Grasp implicit and explicit points made in comments by employing deductive reasoning and inferring skills.

Providing Appropriate Responses

  • Build the ability to formulate articulate responses to complex enquiries, questions, and comments.
  • Harness the use of signing space and facial expressions to respond appropriately and convey the desired emotion or intensity.
  • Showcase understanding by providing responses that directly address the points raised, incorporate evidence and present a clear line of reasoning.

Enhancing Interactions

  • Utilise paraphrasing and summarising skills to demonstrate understanding of queries, questions, or comments.
  • Show willingness to seek clarifications or additional information when required, promoting active engagement in conversation.
  • Understand the importance of providing feedback as a tool for meaningful communication and relationship-building.
  • Cultivate a respectful interactive approach, giving equal importance to the views, comments and questions posed by others.