Rooster: Music

Rooster: Music

Origins and Composition

  • The musical score is entirely constructed of songs by The Rolling Stones.
  • The Stones’ unique blend of rock and roll, rhythm and blues and psychedelic music highly influenced the 1960s and 70s.
  • Composed predominantly by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, the duo behind most Rolling Stones’ songs.
  • The tracks chosen by Bruce feature a mix of their early and later works.

Selection of Music

  • Bruce chose eight tracks for Rooster: “Little Red Rooster”, “Play with Fire”, “Ruby Tuesday”, “Paint it, Black”, “Lady Jane”, “As Tears Go By”, “Not Fade Away”, and “Sympathy for the Devil”.
  • Each track was selected for its lyrical content and musical structure, which inspired corresponding choreography.


  • The music is integral to, and heavily influences, the movement vocabulary of the choreography.
  • The dancers’ movements often follow the beat, rhythm and phrasing of the music.
  • Particular attention is given to the songs’ lyrics, which often inspire specific movements, gestures or actions.

Influence of Music on Atmosphere

  • The music sets the tone and atmosphere, enhancing audience engagement and emotional response.
  • Rolling Stones’ music is known for its powerful, energetic sound as well as its melancholy ballads, which is reflected in the choreography.
  • Songs like “Paint it, Black” and “Sympathy for the Devil” contribute to a moody, intense atmosphere, while songs like “Ruby Tuesday” add a softer, nostalgic touch.

Connection between Music and Theme

  • The use of Rolling Stones’ music connects the piece to the 1960s era, underlining the socio-cultural messages embedded in the choreography.
  • Lyrics explore themes of rebellion, societal changes, gender dynamics, making them apt for Bruce’s narrative.
  • The music not only enhances the choreography but also reinforces the themes of the dance piece, contributing to the overall meaning and interpretation.

Remember that understanding the music and its relationship with the choreography is key to appreciating and analysing Rooster as a holistic artistic piece.